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International Community of Christ

International Community of Christ, Church of the Second Advent, is an independent Christian denomination that offers a distinctive, alternative presentation of Christian teachings and a new authoritative dispensation that it believes fulfills the messianic church under Jesus. The church functions primarily as a religious order known as the Order of the Holy Child (Jamilians). Originally organized in 1959 as the American Philosophical Institute of Cosolargy in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, it relocated to Peru, and in 1962 was renamed the Interdenominational Christian Church. The organization was subsequently known for a decade as the "Mystery School of the Andes" until a permanent center was established in Reno, Nevada, in 1972. Leading the International Community of Christ for more than three decades was Douglas Eugene "Gene" Savoy, who served as head bishop from 1971 until his death in 2007.

The church maintains that Jesus was an Essene master teacher who, as earthly messiah and interpreter of God's law, came to announce the appearance of the Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:1–2) for the redemption of the human family. He came not only to restore the True Mosaic Law for Israel, but also to unify the religious Orders of Light who held to a common solar teaching known in different forms throughout the ancient world and who were expecting his coming. With Jesus's death and the martyrdom of his disciples, the new covenant of God was rejected and the redeeming force of the First Advent Sun of Righteousness was withdrawn from the world. However, it was prophesied by Jesus that in the End Times of the earth, God would again manifest as Christ through the Light of the Second Advent Sun of Righteousness (Matthew 24:27–31).

The church teaches that the long-awaited Second Coming is the appearance of the New Sun of Righteousness. which has been manifesting since 1962. This cosmic event, in which God has incarnated His presence in divine light, ushers in a dynamic and unprecedented age on earth, bringing forth universal Christ-consciousness into the world on a level never before experienced in human history. The advent of the Second Sun of Righteousness was announced by Jamil (1959–1962), a wondrous child seer whose birth had been predicted by the prophets of many traditions and whose life fulfilled the scriptural requirements of the one to come as God’s final human messenger.

Fundamental to the Second Advent teaching is that people can participate in the manifesting cosmic Christ and commune with God by developing personalized Christ Consciousness through spiritual regeneration and self-transformation by means of a sacred process. This process, which was taught by Jesus and his immediate disciples and is the "secret" gospel, was lost to the established churches but has been repossessed by the Second Advent Church through revelation. It involves a highly advanced spiritual system of disciplines by which the individual spirit is brought into contact with God’s Word through Light and made a living soul. The sacred system represents a living theology that the church calls cosolargy (a word created from cosmic, solar, and logos).

