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International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language

International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) is an organisation in the field of English language learning and teaching. It is based in Britain and was founded in 1967.

IATEFL works primarily to develop networks amongst related institutions and individuals involved in language education as it is relevant to the English language. This includes classroom teachers, administrators of language programmes, writers and publishers, language assessors and examination bodies, and researchers, for example in applied linguistics.

IATEFL is organised around an annual conference in the spring, with key speakers and individual papers, workshops and symposia. Membership is approximately 3500, spread through more than 100 countries. The primary activities for IATEFL members throughout the year are centred on Special Interest Groups (SIGs), which hold various types of meetings and conferences, and publish newsletters. In addition to these, there is a bimonthly magazine for the whole organisation, IATEFL Voices.

Officers are elected on a regular basis, with a professional staff serving the logistics and promotional tasks throughout the year. Membership meets yearly at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the main conference.

