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Intercontinental Peace Bridge

A Bering Strait crossing is a hypothetical bridge and/or tunnel spanning the relatively narrow and shallow Bering Strait between the Chukotka Peninsula in Russia and the Seward Peninsula in the U.S. state of Alaska. The bridge or tunnel would provide a connection linking North America (and potentially South America, see: Darién Gap) with Asia, Africa and Europe.

With the two Diomede Islands between the peninsulas, the Bering Strait could be spanned by a bridge and a tunnel. There might be one long bridge, almost 40 km (25 mi) long, connecting Alaska and the Diomede Islands, and a tunnel connecting the Diomede Islands and Russia. The earth bored from the tunnel could be used as landfill to connect the two islands. However, the construction of a Bering Strait crossing would face exceptional political, engineering, and financial hurdles.

There have been several proposals for a Bering Strait crossing made by various individuals, television channels, magazines, etc. The names used for them include The Intercontinental Peace Bridge and Eurasia-America Transport Link. Tunnel names have included "TKM-World Link" and "AmerAsian Peace Tunnel". In April 2007, Russian government officials told the press that the Russian government will back a $65 billion plan by a consortium of companies to build a Bering Strait tunnel. In August 2011, the Daily Mail reported that the Russian government had approved a £60 billion tunnel across the Bering Strait. The £60 billion comes from a rough Russian estimate of US$100 billion.

