An induction regulator is an alternating current electrical machine, somewhat similar to an induction motor, which can provide a continuously variable output voltage. The induction regulator was an early device used to control the voltage of electric networks. Since the 1930s it has been replaced in distribution network applications by the tap transformer. Its usage is now mostly confined to electrical laboratories, electrochemical processes and arc welding. With minor variations, its setup can be used as an phase-shifting power transformer.
A single-phase induction regulator has a (primary) excitation winding, connected to the supply voltage, wound on a magnetic core which can be rotated. The stationary secondary winding is connected in series with the circuit to be regulated. As the excitation winding is rotated through 180 degrees, the voltage induced in the series winding changes from adding to the supply voltage to opposing it. By selection of the ratios of the number of turns on the excitation and series windings, the range of voltage can be adjusted, say, plus or minus 20% of the supply voltage, for example.
The three phase induction regulator can be regarded as a wound induction motor. The rotor is not allowed to turn freely and it can be mechanically shifted by means of a worm gear. The rest of the regulator's construction follows that of a wound rotor induction motor with a slotted three-phase stator and a wound three-phase rotor. Since the rotor is not allowed to turn more than 180 degrees, mechanically, the rotor leads can be connected by flexible cables to the exterior circuit. If the stator winding is a two-pole winding, moving the rotor through 180 degrees physically will change the phase of the induced voltage by 180 degrees. A four-pole winding only requires 90 degrees of physical movement to produce 180 degrees of phase shift.
Since a torque is produced by the interaction of the magnetic fields, the movable element is held by a mechanism such as a worm gear. The rotor may be rotated by a hand wheel attached to the machine, or an electric motor can be used to remotely or automatically adjust the rotor position.