Ila al-Amam (Arabic: إلى الأمام, 'Forward', also Ila Al Amame) was a Marxist group in Morocco founded by the Moroccan engineer Abraham Serfaty and other left-wing activists in 1970. It was an underground movement whose members lived in hiding and distributed political leaflets. Most of its members were arrested and imprisoned in 1974 and received heavy prison sentences. Despite being short-lived, the movement was considered an essential cornerstone of Moroccan Marxism and in 1995, the left-wing party Annahj Addimocrati was constituted as a continuation of Ila al-Amam.
One of the members of Ila al-Amam was Driss Benzekri, who directed the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER) in 2003. Another is Abdelhamid Amine, vice-president of the Association Marocaine des Droits de l'Homme.
The emergence of the first groups of the Moroccan Marxism - Leninism movement among student in the cities of Fez, Rabat, Casablanca. These groups have descended from the Party of Liberation and Socialism, the (Fes group was led by Martyr Hamama Bouabid), who died in exile in 1973 and the National Union of Popular Forces, also contributed to the foundation members that are not affiliated with any party.
The emergence of current opposition movement within the party of "liberation and socialism".
March: unification of the first groups of Marxism - Leninism in a single organization called the organization "B" and later known as "organization March 23".
Mai: Student general strike to protest of the visit of the Spanish Foreign Minister to Morocco, organized by activists who later would form the organization "A" and comrades of the organization "b" from behind this strike. The event was the first political strike waged by students after 1965.
June: The arrest of a group of Marxists - Leninists of my organization "A" and "B" in Marrakech "Group 33" were released after months of imprisonment.
January: the magazine "breaths" published in the 19 issue, an article about the Western Sahara and propose to overcome the debate of the Moroccan Sahara or not Moroccan, saying that what is important is the fact that the Sahara is Arab and must work to liberate it from the grip of Spain.