The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) was founded by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in May 1979. With 52 member states, ISESCO is one of the largest international Islamic organizations and specializes in the fields of education, science, and culture. Its headquarters are in Rabat, Morocco. The Director General is Dr. Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri, also Secretary General of Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW).
According to the OIC, ISESCO's objectives are "to strengthen and promote cooperation among the Member States in the fields of education, science culture and communication; consolidate understanding among peoples inside and outside Member State; contribute to world peace and security through various means; publicize the true image of Islam and Islamic culture; promote dialogue among civilizations, cultures and religions; encourage cultural interaction and foster cultural diversity in the Member States, while preserving cultural identity and intellectual integrity."
ISESCO appoints an Islamic cultural capital of Asia, the Arab region and Africa, for each year. During the appointments for 2017, Deputy Director General Dr. Amina Al-Hajri explained that an Islamic cultural capital "must primarily be of documented historical authenticity, have an outstanding contribution to knowledge and learning that singles it out in the country and the region, a significant input in Islamic culture, and human culture in general." The three cities that are bearing the capital for 2017 are Mashhad, Iran for Asia, Amman, Jordan for the Arab region and Kampala, Uganda for Africa.