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Hugh I, Count of Ponthieu

Hugh I of Ponthieu (c. 970 – c. 1000), son of Hildouin III de Ponthieu and Hersende la Pieuse de Ramerupt, countesse of Arcis. He was also known as Hugo Miles. His paternal grandfather was Guillaume de Ponthieu.

He was chosen by Hugh Capet, duke of France (not yet king), to be "advocate of the abbey of Saint-Riquier and castellan of Abbeville". He also received Hugh Capet's daughter, Gisela, in marriage.

Hugh's origins are unknown, and the date which he received his fief is only "ascertainable within broad limits" as c. 980. He is not known to have ever styled himself Count of Ponthieu.

He married c. 994 Gisèle Capet, daughter of Hugh Capet and Adelaide of Aquitaine. His son Enguerrand I of Ponthieu was first to take the comital title after killing Arnold II of Boulogne in battle, sometime between 1024 and 1027, and marrying his widow. Thus, the counts of Ponthieu, who figure prominently in early Norman history, were even newer to their status as landed lords than the Normans. Guy of Ponthieu was also his son: Guy de Ponthieu, ascendant de Guyonne d'Abbeville.

The Carmen de Hastingae Proelio of Bishop Guy of Amiens, edited by Catherine Morton and Hope Muntz, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1972.

