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House of Jagiellon

Jagiellonian dynasty
COA family pl Jagiellon.svg
Country Coat of Arms of the Polish Crown.svg Kingdom of Poland
Coat of arms of Lithuania.svg Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Coa Hungary Country History (14th century).svg Kingdom of Hungary
Blason Boheme.svg Kingdom of Bohemia
Parent house Gediminids
Titles King of Poland
King of Hungary
King of Bohemia
King of Croatia
King of Dalmatia
King of Rama
King of Serbia
King of Bulgaria
King of Slavonia
Grand Duke of Lithuania
Duke of Silesia
Duke of Ruthenia
Duke of Luxembourg
Founded 1386
Founder Władysław II Jagiełło
Final ruler Anna Jagiellon of Poland
Dissolution 1572

The Jagiellonian dynasty was a royal dynasty, founded by Jogaila, the Grand Duke of Lithuania, who in 1386 was baptized as Władysław, married Queen regnant (also styled "King")Jadwiga of Poland, and was crowned King of Poland as Władysław II Jagiełło. The dynasty reigned in several Central European countries between the 14th and 16th centuries. Members of the dynasty were Kings of Poland (1386–1572), Grand Dukes of Lithuania (1377–1392 and 1440–1572), Kings of Hungary (1440–1444 and 1490–1526), and Kings of Bohemia (1471–1526).

The personal union between the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (converted in 1569 with the Treaty of Lublin into the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth) is the reason for the common appellation "Poland–Lithuania" in discussions about the area from the Late Middle Ages onward. One Jagiellonian briefly ruled both Poland and Hungary (1440–44), and two others ruled both Bohemia and Hungary (1490–1526) and then continued in the distaff line as a branch of the House of Habsburg.

The Polish "Golden Age", the period of the reigns of Sigismund I and Sigismund II, the last two Jagiellonian kings, or more generally the 16th century, is most often identified with the rise of the culture of Polish Renaissance. The cultural flowering had its material base in the prosperity of the elites, both the landed nobility and urban patriciate at such centers as Cracow and Danzig.

