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History of the Prophets and Kings

The History of the Prophets and Kings (Arabic: تاريخ الرسل والملوك‎‎ Tārīkh al-Rusul wa al-Mulūk, popularly known Tarikh al-Tabari or Tarikh-e Tabari, Persian: تاریخ طبری‎‎) is an Arabic historical chronicle written by the Persian author and historian Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari died 310H (838-923) from the Creation to AD 915, and contains detail concerning Muslim and the Middle Eastern history. An al-Sila, appendix or continuation, was written by Abu Abdullah b. Ahmad b. Ja'far al-Farghani, a Turk student of al-Tabari.

Various editions of the Annals include:

Here is the list of titles for the 40-volume edition:

The main purpose of Tabari was to write history according to the science of narration. That is to say he quotes the narrator without interfering in any way.

Among its content can be found:

