Hinduism is the largest religion in Kerala and Hindus make up 54.74% population of the state according to the 2011 census. Hindus in Kerala usually have a lower birth rate and a higher death rate compared to the general population.
Kerala is home to Hindu saints and swamis of all castes. Vaikunda Swami, who was the first among the saints of Kerala was a Nadar. Bhagavan Sree Narayana Gurudevan, Sant Enadinatha, Sant Ilakkulaccanrar, Sant Tiruppana were all Sudra, Cheraman Nayanar was a Kothayar, Chattampi Swamikal, Swami Sathyananda Saraswathi and Swami Chinmayananda were of the Nair caste, and Adi Shankara was a Nambuthiri Brahmin. The Harijan Parayas of Kerala claim to descend from Sant Vasistha. Kollengode has a structure near Thirthala-Koottanad Road, in memory of a Harijan saint, Sant Paakkanar. In the Rapayan Tujjal, the narrator (dancer-reciter) is a Harijan and a descendant of Sant Pakkanar. The Periya Puranam, possibly written by a Paraya, describes the Parayas. Further, the Vishvakarma Purana was written by a sonar (goldsmith).
Chenkottukonam Madathipathi Jagadguru Swami Sathyananda Saraswathi is popularly regarded as the father of contemporary Hindu renaissance in Kerala for the victorious movements he led for temple rights and the establishment of Hindu Aikya Vedi for integrating Hindus of all classes.He is reckoned as the greatest karmayogi to uphold Sanatana Dharma since Swami Vivekananda internationally.