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Heroes' Acre (Namibia)

The Heroes' Acre is an official war memorial of the Republic of Namibia. Built into the uninhabited hills south of the capital of Windhoek c. 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) away from the city centre, Heroes' Acre opened on 26 August 2002 and operates for the purpose of "foster(ing) a spirit of patriotism and nationalism, and to pass on the legacy to the future generations of Namibia".

The Heroes' Acre monument is situated south of Windhoek on the B1 national road to Rehoboth. It is built as a symmetric polygon with a marble obelisk and a bronze statue of the Unknown Soldier at its centre. The site contains parade grounds and a grandstand for 5000 people. The burial site consists of 174 tombs, not all of which are currently occupied.

At inauguration nine national heroes and heroines were identified. For each of them a tombstone with name and picture has been erected, although they are not buried here. The nine national heroes are:

In later years, several additional people have been declared national heroes, and buried here. These are:

There are further National Heroes of Namibia without any connection to Heroe's Acre, namely:

Seven veterans of the Namibian liberation struggle reburied (2014)

Mansudae Overseas Projects, a company from North Korea, was given a N$60 million contract from Namibia to build the 732-acre (2.96 km2) monument. The contract was awarded without any competitive tendering process, and eventually the construction cost doubled. The non-transparent contracting of foreign manual labour has been criticised by corruption watchdog insight Namibia.

