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Herman Moll (convict)

Herman Joseph Moll (31 January 1838 - 18 December 1882) was a convict transported to Western Australia. He was one of only four such convicts to be elected to the prestigious and respected position of member of a local Education Board.

Born in Cologne Germany, the son of Joseph Moll, a tobacco merchant, and Sophia Eick, he went to England 1856 aged 18 where he worked for John Wich, Belgian Consul and Merchant. Later described as a "London man of business" he was convicted of forging and uttering in 1861 stealing 150 pounds from Wich. Sentenced to ten years' penal servitude, he was transported to Western Australia on board the York, arriving in December 1862.

Herman Moll was described as 5' 914" having greyish hair and hazel eyes. His face is described as “full”, his complexion “dark” and his build as “middling stout”. At the time, it was noted that he had a “scar left thumb and near forefinger, injured third finger right hand”. Herman received his ticket of leave 16 July 1864 and was appointed to teach in the York district.

He later found work as a clerk and accountant for John Monger. He was eventually promoted to manager of Monger's York business. In 1874, Moll was elected to the local Board of Education, a prestigious and respected position attained by only three other ex-convicts: Daniel Connor, Malachi Meagher and James Hasleby. He served only one or two years, resigning to accept the management of Monger's business in Perth.

He married Agnes Roe, daughter of James Elphinstone Roe in 1874. They were to have four children;

