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Haydon R. Manning

Haydon Manning is an Australian political scientist and Associate Professor with the School of Social and Policy Studies, Deptartment of Politics and Public Policy at The Flinders University of South Australia.

Manning studied at Flinders University, where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree with Honors First Class and PhD in 1994. He went on to become an academic on faculty at the same university.

Manning's areas of interest include voting behaviour and electoral politics, political parties, South Australian political history, politics of uranium mining and political satire. He teaches a range of topics including "An Introduction to Government and Democracy"; "Parties, Voters and Elections in Australia"; "Environmental Politics"; "Government, Business and Society" and "The Politics of Climate Change".

Manning is a frequent commentator on South Australian and national politics. His commentary on political matters has been published by mainstream Australian newspapers, academic journals and websites InDaily,The Conversation and On Line Opinion. His academic publications have featured in the Australian Journal of Politics & History, Australian Journal of Political Science, Environmental Politics and the Journal of Industrial Relations. He also provides commentary on State and Federal Australian politics monthly on community radio stations Radio Adelaide 101.5 and 88.7 Coast FM's Thursday Magazine show, presented by Dave Hearn.

Manning is a member of Flinders University's Board Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences and Co-Convenor, Electoral Regulation and Research Network, South Australia. He is also the Coordinator of the Copland Leadership Program run by the Committee for Economic Development of Australia's (CEDA) South Australian branch.

