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Harvard Model Congress

Harvard Model Congress
HMC Poster.jpg
Abbreviation HMC
Formation 1986
Type NGO
Purpose Education
Official language
Jason Mills (Boston)
Tyler Olkowski (Boston)
Gavin Sullivan (Europe)
Maddy Nam (San Francisco)
Oksana Moscoso (Asia)
Carlos Mendizabal (Middle East)
Rebecca Ramos (Latin America)
Main organ
Executive Board
Website www.harvardmodelcongress.org

Harvard Model Congress (HMC) is the largest congressional simulation conference in the world, providing high school students from across the United States and abroad with an opportunity to experience American government firsthand. Although HMC is run entirely by Harvard undergraduates, it is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is operated independently of the university.

Harvard Model Congress Boston, founded in 1986, is the oldest of the HMC conferences and is held annually in downtown Boston. Each February, nearly 1,500 delegates descend into Boston to tackle the most pressing and important issues facing the nation as they assume roles in each of the three branches of the United States government and beyond. Exciting and diverse programs, ranging from committees in the House of Representatives, Senate, and Supreme Court, to special programs such as press, lobbyists, and the National Security Council, help bring American government to life and have established Harvard Model Congress Boston as one of the nation's premier American government simulation programs.

Founded in 2001, Harvard Model Congress San Francisco is an American government simulation program based on the successful Boston model and the first conference of its type on the West Coast. Over 300 delegates from across the country travel to HMCSF to learn about American government. The four-day conference, held in the San Francisco Financial District, is more intimate than the Boston conference and features a lower student-staff ratio and more individual attention from Harvard undergraduates. The conference was originally located in San Diego and subsequently moved to San Francisco, where it continues today.

