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1000–1100 AD
Green: Haripunchai
Light Blue: Lavo Kingdom
Red: Khmer Empire
Yellow: Champa
Blue: Đại Việt
Pink: Pagan Kingdom
Light green: Srivijayan Empire
Capital Lamphun
Government Monarchy
 •  661 Jamadevi (first)
 •  c. 1200 Yip (last)
Historical era Middle Ages
 •  Founding by Suthep 661
 •  More probable, supposed founding c. 750 A.D.
 •  Besieged and captured by Kingdom of Lanna 1292
Succeeded by

Hariphunchai or Haribhunjaya (from Thai: หริภุญชัย, in turn from Pali: Haribhuñjaya) was a Mon kingdom in the north of present Thailand in the centuries before the Thais moved into the area. Its capital was at Lamphun, which at the time was also called Hariphunchai. In 1292 the city was besieged and captured by Mangrai of the Thai kingdom of Lanna.

According to the Camadevivamsa and Jinakalamali chronicles, the city was founded by a hermit named Suthep in 661 AD, and the Mon ruler of Lavo Kingdom (present-day Lopburi) sent his daughter Jamadevi to become its first queen. However, this date is now considered as too early, and the actual beginning is placed at around 750 AD. At that time, most of what is now central Thailand was under the rule of various Mon city states, known collectively as the Dvaravati kingdom. Queen Jamadevi gave birth to twins, the older succeeding her as the ruler of Lamphun, and the younger becoming ruler of neighboring Lampang.

The kingdom under King Adityaraja, came into conflict with the Khmers in the twelfth century. Lamphun inscriptions from 1213, 1218, and 1219, mention King Sabbadhisiddhi endowing Buddhist monuments.

The chronicles say that the Khmer unsuccessfully besieged Hariphunchai several times during the 11th century. It is not clear if the chronicles describe actual or legendary events, but the other Dvaravati Mon kingdoms did in fact fall to the Khmers at this time. The early 13th century was a golden time for Hariphunchai, as the chronicles talk only about religious activities or constructing buildings, not about wars. Nevertheless, Hariphunchai was besieged in 1292 by the Lanna king Mangrai the Great, who incorporated it into his Lan Na ("One Million Rice Fields") kingdom.

