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Haplogroup I (mtDNA)

Haplogroup I
Possible time of origin 20,857 ± 3,594 Years Before Present (Behar 2012b)
Possible place of origin West Asia (Terreros 2011 and Fernandes 2012)
Ancestor N1e'I
Descendants I1, I2'3, I4, I5, I6
Defining mutations T10034C, G16129A!, G16391A (Behar & Family Tree DNA 2012)
Haplogroup I1
Possible time of origin 15,231 ± 3,402 Before Present (Behar 2012b)
Possible place of origin Insufficient Data
Ancestor I
Defining mutations 455.1T, G6734A, G9966A, T16311C! (Behar & Family Tree DNA 2012)
Haplogroup I1a
Possible time of origin 11,726 ± 3,306 Before Present (Behar 2012b)
Possible place of origin Insufficient Data
Ancestor I1
Defining mutations T152C!, G207A (Behar & Family Tree DNA 2012)
Haplogroup I1a1
Possible time of origin 5,294 ± 2,134 Before Present (Behar 2012b)
Possible place of origin Insufficient Data
Ancestor I1a
Defining mutations G203A, C3990T, G9947A, A9966G!, T10915C! (Behar & Family Tree DNA 2012)
Haplogroup I1a1a
Possible time of origin 3,327 ± 2,720 Before Present (Behar 2012b)
Possible place of origin Insufficient Data
Ancestor I1a1
Defining mutations G9053A (Behar & Family Tree DNA 2012)
Haplogroup I1a1b
Possible time of origin 2,608 ± 2,973 Before Present (Behar 2012b)
Possible place of origin Insufficient Data
Ancestor I1a1
Defining mutations T14182C (Behar & Family Tree DNA 2012)
Haplogroup I1a1c
Possible time of origin About 1,523 Before Present (Behar 2012b)
Possible place of origin Insufficient Data
Ancestor I1a1
Defining mutations T6620C (Behar & Family Tree DNA 2012)
Haplogroup I1a1d
Possible time of origin About 1,892 Before Present (Behar 2012b)
Possible place of origin Insufficient Data
Ancestor I1a1
Defining mutations A1836G, T4023C, T13488C, T16189C! (Behar & Family Tree DNA 2012)
Haplogroup I1b
Possible time of origin 11,135 ± 4,818 Before Present (Behar 2012b)
Possible place of origin Insufficient Data
Ancestor I1
Defining mutations T6227C (Behar & Family Tree DNA 2012)
Haplogroup I1c
Possible time of origin 8,216 ± 3,787 Before Present (Behar 2012b)
Possible place of origin Insufficient Data
Ancestor I1
Defining mutations G8573A, C16264T, G16319A, T16362C (Behar & Family Tree DNA 2012)

Haplogroup I is a (mtDNA) haplogroup. It is largely distributed in Europe and West Asia, and is also found among some Afroasiatic-speaking populations in Africa. The clade is believed to have evolved in West Asia (see Origin and Distribution).

Haplogroup I is a descendant (subclade) of haplogroup N1e'I (Behar 2012b) and sibling of haplogroup N1e (Behar 2012b). It is believed to have arisen somewhere in West Asia between 17,263 and 24,451 years before present (Behar 2012b). It has been suggested that its origin may be in Iran or more generally the Near East (Terreros 2011).

It is noteworthy that, with the exception of its northern neighbor Azerbaijan, Iran is the only population in which haplogroup I exhibits polymorphic levels. Also, a contour plot based on the regional phylogeographic distribution of the I haplogroup exhibits frequency clines consistent with an Iranian cradle... Moreover, when compared with other populations in the region, those from the Levant (Iraq, Syria and Palestine) and the Arabian Peninsula (Oman and UAE) exhibit significantly lower proportions of I individuals... It should be noted that this haplogroup has been detected in European groups (Krk, a tiny island off the coast of Croatia (11.3%), and Lemko, an isolate from the Carpathian Highlands (11.3%)) at comparable frequencies to those observed in the North Iranian population. However, the higher frequencies of the haplogroup within Europe are found in geographical isolates and are likely the result of founder effects and/or drift... it is plausible that the high levels of haplogroup I present in Iran may be the result of a localized enrichment through the action of genetic drift or may signal geographical proximity to the location of origin.

A similar view puts more emphasis on the Persian Gulf region of the Near East (Fernandes 2012).

Haplogroup I ... dates to ∼25 ka ago and is overall most frequent in Europe..., but the facts that it has a frequency peak in the Gulf region and that its highest diversity values are in the Gulf, Anatolia, and southeast Europe suggest that its origin is most likely in the Near East and/or Arabia...

