Hal and Roger Hunt are fictional characters appearing in the children's Adventure novel series, by Canadian-born American author Willard Price. The sons of world-renowned animal collector John Hunt, Hal and Roger have grown up alongside exotic and dangerous wildlife. In Amazon Adventure, the boys' literary debut, Hal is 19 years old and Roger is 13 years old.
The boys have taken a year off school to help capture animals for their father's collection on Long Island, after which the captive specimens are sold to zoos, circuses and nature parks. Their father's wildlife business, "John Hunt- Wildlife" was renamed "John Hunt and Sons" after the boys proved themselves once again in Gorilla Adventure.
Hal Hunt is the typical hero: tall, handsome and muscular, but still fast on his feet despite his broad build. He has survived an attack by a Portuguese man o' war and fought and defeated a panther unarmed and single-handedly. With remarkably little practice, he learns to hold his breath underwater for more than a minute while diving for pearls in the South Seas. He also has a scar on his shoulder blade caused by a spear, courtesy of Merlin Kaggs. He’s the older and more mature of the two brothers, and is often left in charge of the mission when their father is absent.
Hal is also very caring and trusting. During his travels in the South Seas he became blood brothers with a Ponapean called Omo and this bond was so strong Omo once took a bullet for him. He also reformed a character called Vic Stone in Tiger Adventure after saving his life. Hal also considers it his responsibility to look after his younger brother.
Hal possesses a near limitless store of knowledge about virtually any subject or animal species they encounter, as well as being a skilled doctor. This is because he often takes the role of narrator for the parts of the book where vast volumes of explanations are needed for what is occurring. Despite being a genius, he has a poor grasp of human nature that borders on naiveté which was best demonstrated in Cannibal Adventure, where he could not understand why Merlin Kaggs - whom he had imprisoned for life - would want to kill him.