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Haisborough Sands

Haisborough Sands
Haisboro Sands or Haisbro Sands
Coastal feature
Haisboro Sands.jpg
Location map of Haisborough Sands
Official name: Haisborough Sands
Country United Kingdom
District Coastal East of England
Municipality Norfolk
Location Southern North Sea
Length 16 km (10 mi), North west to South east
Width 1.6 km (1 mi)
Area 31.249 km2 (12 sq mi)

Haisborough Sands (or Haisboro Sands or Haisbro Sands) is a sandbank off the coast of Norfolk, England at Happisburgh. The shoal is 10 miles (16 km) long and 1 mile (1.6 km) wide and lies parallel to the North east coast of Norfolk. The shoal is marked to the north-west by north by the Haisbro Light Buoy, North cardinal. To the south-east by south is a light buoy South cardinal, and to the west by Mid Haisbro light buoy starboard hand. In 1995 there were three drying patches recorded to the north-north east and east-south east of the Mid Haisbro light buoy. Except at slack water their positions are indicated by tidal eddies and in slight or moderate seas the swell breaks on the shallower parts of the banks. There are a number of foul patches on the southern part of the shoal. There are very strong eddies on and around the bank especially on the north west. Over the years this shoal has claimed many ships.

The main ridge of the shoal is made up of five distinct areas. These are named Haisborough Sand, Haisborough Tail, Hammond Knoll, Winterton Ridge and Hearty Knoll. To the eastern edge of the sands there are areas called Hewett Ridge and Smiths Knoll which form a ridge of sandbanks on the outer boundary of the sands. Inshore and to the west there are additional banks including Winterton Shoal and the Newarp Banks.

Haisborough Sands and its surrounding shoals are known to be spawning grounds for Sand eels Ammodytes, Lemon sole Microstormus Kitt and sole Solea solea. The sands also provide nursery grounds for Cod Gadus morhua, Herring Clupea harengus, Mackerel Scomber scombrus, Sole, Lemon sole and Plaice Pleuronectes platessa. There are small numbers of Harbour porpoise regularly observed within the boundaries of the sands. The common seals Phoca vitulina which are resident in the Wash are occasionally observed in this area.

