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Hebo (Chinese: 河伯; literally: "Lord of the River") is the god of the Yellow River. The Yellow River (Huang He) is one of the world's major rivers and a river of great cultural importance in China. This is reflected in Chinese mythology by the tales surrounding the deity Hebo. The name, Hebo, means "Lord of the River", in this case "the River" referring to the main river of Northern China, the Huang He, or Yellow River, which takes its name from the vast amount of yellowish silt from the Loess plateau through which much of the river flows. However, the descriptive term, Hebo, is not this deity's only name, and worship is geographically widespread. Some of the character ascribed to Hebo is related to the character of the Yellow River itself: a river which has been described as one of China's greatest assets as well as one of the greatest sources of sorrow. Some of the world's greatest floods accompanied by tragic and stupendous loss of human life have been due to the Yellow River overflowing its banks, and even shifting course and establishing a new river bed. The Yellow River has also been one of the major agricultural sources for irrigation of farms which have provided for the dietary needs of the population at least from the cradle of Chinese civilization through the present day. To some extent, the deity Hebo is a personification of the character of this river. However, Hebo has also had an important role in the history of religious worship in China (especially North China), and also having a more general function in terms of Chinese culture, including literature and poetry.

Hebo is also known as Bingyi (冰夷). Today, the meaning of bo (伯) is generally considered to be that of an honorific title, of a martial or noble designation, similar to the European titles of nobility rendered in English as "count" or "earl". He (河) may be used somewhat generically to refer to rivers in general, or to various particular flowing bodies of water, but in this case is particularly and primarily associated with the Yellow River of China.

Hebo is the god of the Yellow River, one of the world's major rivers with close association to Chinese culture. Reflecting the personification of the Yellow River, Hebo has been regarded as benevolent, but also greedy, unpredictable, and dangerously destructive.

