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Gutowski is the surname of a Polish szlachta (nobility) which is one of the oldest recorded name of nobility. First surviving record was in 1241 as the Chancellor of Poland, Wawrzęta Gutowski.

Most of the families belongs to the Clan of the Slepowron ( ancient nobility ), one of the original clans, located south of Warsaw, in the Duchy of Mazovia. Then later name spread in to 4 other clans.

To this generation belongs the old Prussian noble family von Drygalski (von Drigalski) - a line from the Gutowskis, after the acquisition of villages Drygallen, Schlaga and Wirsbinnen / district Lyck in East Prussia in 1505 changed its name to von Drygalski. Also the Rhau von Gutowski of Prussia belonged to this generation, the male line was thought to have been extinct since 1919, due to the turmoil of the world wars. Even the Polish nobility is passed on only by the male descendants. An aristocratic lady, if she marries bourgely, also in Poland her children will not belong to the nobility. She herself remains aristocratic.

