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Guided meditation

Guided meditation is a process by which one or more participants meditate in response to the guidance provided by a trained practitioner or teacher, either in person or via a written text, sound recording, video, or audiovisual media comprising music or verbal instruction, or a combination of both.

This process often leads to the participant engaging in visualization and generating mental imagery that may simulate or re-create the sensory perception of sights,sounds,tastes,smells,movements, and images associated with touch, such as texture, temperature, and pressure, as well as imagined mental content that the participant experiences as defying conventional sensory categories. The generating of such mental imagery can precipitate or accompany strong emotions or feelings.

Practitioners or teachers facilitating guided meditation often encourage participants to document their experience, most commonly in the form of a self-reflective journal or diary. In addition to recording their experience of a guided meditation session, individuals may also document the occurrence of involuntary unwanted or intrusive negative imagery over time, which is a common occurrence among those with conditions including depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and social anxiety. They may also document positive imagery intentionally generated when practicing alone the techniques initially learned from the practitioner or teacher. Over time, this documentation can provide information and insight into the participant's physical and mental condition, contributing to the formulation of a therapeutic treatment plan.

