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Grunkle Stan

Grunkle Stan
Gravity Falls character
Steven Universe - Stan Pines.png
First appearance "Tourist Trapped" (2012)
Last appearance Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls (2016)
Created by Alex Hirsch
Voiced by Alex Hirsch
Declan J. Krogman (young)
Aliases Stanley Pines, Mr. Mystery, Mr. Pines, the Old One, Steve Pinington, Stetson Pinefield, Andrew "8-Ball" Alcatraz, Hal Forrester, Stanford Pines, S618 (prison number), 061800 (Gravity Falls prison number) 618 (Mystery Shack Address)
Gender Male
Occupation Owner of the Mystery Shack
  • Dipper Pines (great-nephew)
  • Mabel Pines (great-niece)
  • Stanford Pines (older twin brother)
  • Sherman Pines (nephew)
  • Filbrick Pines (father)
  • Ma Pines (mother)
  • Marilyn Rosenstien (ex-wife)
Nationality American

Stanley "Stan" Pines, also known as "Grunkle Stan", is one of the main characters of the Disney animated series Gravity Falls, created and voiced by series creator Alex Hirsch.

Stan is an older man, and the great-uncle (or "grunkle") of the show's main two protagonists, Dipper and Mabel; the show takes place as they stay at his house during the holiday. He is the owner of the Mystery Shack, a tourist trap presenting creatures and objects of supposedly supernatural origin. He often wears a black suit with a red fez, white shirt and red bolo tie, along with a cane topped by a billiard 8-ball, although at home he generally wears slippers, blue and green-striped boxer shorts, a white sleeveless shirt and a gold necklace.

At the beginning of the show, Stan, known to all as Stanford Pines, is portrayed as a relatively simple character, whose shady past is mostly used as a joke regarding his many past crimes. However as the series goes on, he is gradually revealed to hold deeper secrets; in "Not What He Seems", it is revealed that for the past thirty years, Stan had secretly been trying to bring his twin brother, the actual Stanford Pines, into their world, and that he is in truth named Stanley.

Grunkle (short for "Great Uncle") Stan is watching his great-nephew Dipper Pines and great-niece Mabel Pines, 12-year-old twins, for the summer. This does not always sit well with him and sometimes he argues with Dipper. Lately, in private moments, Stan admitted to himself that Dipper is headstrong and stubborn, like himself. He likes Mabel tremendously and indulges her as much as he can, but doesn't care as much for her pig Waddles.

Because of his loud scoffing at Dipper's investigating Gravity Falls, Dipper, Mabel, and Stan's employees (handyman Soos and Wendy Corduroy, his teenage part-timer) thought he was unaware of the town's weirdness. However, in the Season 2 premiere episode ("Scary-oke"), it was revealed that Grunkle Stan knew quite a bit about the town's strange secrets; he claimed he had been trying to keep Dipper and Mabel safe. Though grouchy by nature, he's fiercely protective of his family—he leaped into battle against zombies armed with a baseball bat and brass knuckles to save them—but keeping secrets from the twins has ended up putting them at risk, mostly because Dipper won't give up trying to find answers. He promised Dipper not to keep any more secrets if Dipper would stop investigating; both were lying.

