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Greenhouse Studios

Greenhouse Studios is a music recording facility founded by Bruce Levens in 1987. The facility has recorded over 1000 albums during the last 25 years. The studio was incorporated as Lions Gate Studios, subsequently changing its name to Vancouver Studios before finally settling on the Greenhouse Studios name.

The operation started as a one-room studio in half of an industrial building. A steady stream of clients attracted by the equipment, facilities, location and mostly the people allowed Greenhouse Studios to grow. The original MCI console was replaced by an SSL G series which brought in even bigger projects. A smaller studio was built to handle overdubs and budget conscious artists. When the building next door became available it was incorporated into the operation, Studio 1 would become a stand-alone studio complete with large live and control rooms, separate machine room, bathroom, kitchen and lounge facilities. 2 Edit suites were added to handle the post production work the facility was doing. A penthouse studio and warehouse studio were also created in the 90s.

The entire operation would close and move close to downtown Vancouver early in the new century. A large tracking room, an overdub studio and mix room were all created. Currently Greenhouse Studios operates the large tracking room with a Neve console.

The careers of international stars k.d. lang, Queensrÿche and Sarah McLachlan were built on songs recorded at Greenhouse Studios. The facility has also recorded for many of Canada's top bands including 54-40, Default, Wide Mouth Mason, Matthew Good Band, Age of Electric, Odds, Spirit of the West, Barney Bentall, Colin James and Pluto.

The band Nickelback would record three albums at Greenhouse: The State, Silver Side Up, and The Long Road.The State was recorded and produced by Dale Penner with Dave Ashton assisting. Silver Side Up was recorded by Rick Parashar. The Silver Side Up album would yield the #1 played radio song, "How You Remind Me" of the decade 2000-2009 according to Neilsen Soundscan. Nickelback would be named the music group of the decade by Billboard Magazine. The third Nickelback album, The Long Road, was produced by Chad Kroeger and Engineered by Joey Moi who would go on to co-produce and engineer all the Nickelback albums until the end of the decade.

