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Green Paper: the Further Development of Representative Government in Hong Kong

The 1985 Hong Kong electoral reform introduced the first ever indirect election to the colonial legislature during the last years of the British colonial rule in Hong Kong. The reform proposals was first carried out in the Green Paper: the Further Development of Representative Government in Hong Kong in July 1984 right before the Sino-British Joint Declaration in December. The reform laid the foundation of the representative democracy in Hong Kong which developed throughout the last years of the colonial rule and succeeded by the democratic development in Hong Kong after the handover of Hong Kong in 1997.

The Green Paper: A Pattern of District Administration in Hong Kong was published in July 1984 before the Sino-British negotiations over the sovereignty of Hong Kong began which marked the intention of first large-scale constitutional reform in the colonial history. The 1980 Green Paper stated the continual evolution of the government system including the Executive Council and the Legislative Council. The formation of the District Boards and the first direct election in 1982 were followed by the 1980 Green Paper. In 1983 the membership of the Urban Council was increased to 30, half of whom were elected from direct constituencies on the further extended franchises.

A further democratic reform was considered in the Green Paper of 1984 published in July, months before the Sino-British Joint Declaration was signed which the United Kingdom and the People's Republic of China governments agreed on handing over Hong Kong from British to Chinese rule in 1997.

