Detailed content of Matthew |
1. Birth Stories |
Genealogy (1:1–17) |
Nativity (1:18–25) |
Biblical Magi (2:1–12) |
Flight into Egypt (2:13–20) |
Jesus in Nazareth (2:21-23) |
2. Baptism and early ministry |
John the Baptist (3:1–12) |
Baptism of Jesus (3:13–17) |
Temptation of Jesus (4:1–11) |
Capernaum (4:12–17) |
First disciples of Jesus (4:18–22) |
Galilee preaching tour (4:23–25) |
3. Sermon on the Mount (5–7) |
4. Healing and miracles
Healing many (8:1–17) |
Foxes have holes (8:18–20) |
Let the dead bury the dead (8:21–22) |
Calming the storm (8:23–27) |
Gadarene demoniacs (8:28–34) |
Healing a paralytic (9:1–8) |
Calling of Matthew (9:9–13) |
On fasting (9:14–15) |
New Wine into Old Wineskins (9:16-17) |
Daughter of Jairus (9:18–26) |
Two blind men (9:27–31) |
Exorcising a mute (9:32-34) |
Good crop but few harvesters (9:35–38) |
5. Little Commission (10:1–11:1) |
6. Responses to Jesus |
Messengers from John the Baptist (11:2-19) |
Cursing Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum (11:20–24) |
Praising the Father (11:25–30) |
Lord of the Sabbath (12:1-8) |
Man with withered hand (12:9-14) |
Chosen servant (12:15–21) |
Blind-mute man (12:22–28) |
Strong man (12:29) |
Those not with me are against me (12:30) |
Unforgivable sin (12:31–32) |
The Tree and its Fruits (12:33–37) |
Request for a sign (12:38–42) |
Return of the unclean spirit (12:43–45) |
Jesus' true relatives (12:46-50) |
Parabolic Discourse (13:1–52) |
7. Conflicts, rejections, and conferences with disciples |
Hometown rejection (13:53–58) |
Death of John the Baptist (14:1-12) |
Feeding the 5000 (14:13–21) |
Walking on water (14:22–33) |
Fringe of his cloak heals (14:34–36) |
Discourse on Defilement (15:1–20) |
Canaanite woman's daughter (15:21–28) |
Healing on a mountain (15:29-31) |
Feeding the 4000 (15:32–39) |
Sign of Jonah (16:1-4) |
Beware of yeast (16:5–12) |
Peter's confession (16:13–20) |
Jesus predicts his death (16:21-28,17:22-23,20:17-19) |
Transfiguration (17:1–13) |
Possessed boy (17:14–21) |
Coin in the fish's mouth (17:24-27) |
8. Life in the Christian community |
The Little Children (18:1–7) |
If thy hand offend thee (18:8–9) |
The Lost Sheep (18:10–14) |
Binding and loosing (18:15–22) |
Unmerciful Servant (18:23–35) |
9. Journey to Jerusalem |
Entering Judea (19:1–2) |
Divorce (19:3–9) |
Celibacy (19:10-12) |
Little Children Blessed (19:13-15) |
Jesus and the rich young man (19:16–30) |
Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (20:1–16) |
Son of man came to serve (20:20–28) |
Blind near Jericho (20:29-34) |
10. Jerusalem, cleansing of the temple, debates |
Triumphal entry into Jerusalem (21:1–11) |
Temple incident (21:12–17) |
Cursing the fig tree (21:18–22) |
Authority questioned (21:23-27) |
The Two Sons, The Wicked Husbandman, Parable of the Wedding Feast (21:28–22:14) |
Render unto Caesar... (22:15–22) |
Resurrection of the Dead (22:23–33) |
Great Commandment (22:34–40) |
Is the Messiah the son of David? (22:41–46) |
11. Woes of the Pharisees (23:1–39) |
12. Judgment day |
Little Apocalypse (24) |
Parables of the Ten Virgins, Talents (25:1–30) |
Judgment of the Nations (25:31–46) |
13. Trial, crucifixion, resurrection |
Plot to kill Jesus (26:1–5) |
Anointing of Jesus (26:6–13) |
Bargain of Judas (26:14-16) |
Last Supper (26:17–30) |
Denial of Peter (26:31–35,69–75) |
Agony in the Garden (26:36-46) |
Kiss of Judas (26:47-49) |
Arrest (26:50–56) |
Before the High Priest (26:57–68) |
Pilate's court (27:1–2,11–26) |
Death of Judas (27:3-10) |
Soldiers mock Jesus (27:27-31) |
Simon of Cyrene (27:32) |
Crucifixion (27:33–56) |
Entombment (27:57–61) |
Guarding the tomb (27:62–66,28:11-15) |
Empty tomb (28:1–6) |
Appearance to the women (28:7-10) |
Great Commission (28:16–20)