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Glavnyj starshina of the ship

Flag of Russia.svg
Glavny starshina of the ship
in the Russian navy
RAF N R8-GlKorStarsh 2010–.svg    Red Fleet Insignia 2a.svg
(shoulder board)    (sleeve insignia)
Rank insignia Russian Navy
Introduction 1971
Rank group Petty officer
Army / Air Force Starshina

Glavny starshina of the ship (Russian: Гла́вный корабе́льный старшина́; literal: senior petty officer of the ship) is in the Navy of the Russian Federation the designation to the most senior rank in the petty officer´s career group. The rank is equivalent to Strashina in Army and Air Force. According to NATO-ranksystem the rank might be comparable to OR-8 in Anglophone armed forces.

The rank was introduced to the Soviet Navy November 18, 1971. Before the equivalent OR8-rank designation, including rank insignia was Michman.

In the navy of the Russian Federation there are four ranks in the petty officer´s career group, which means:

