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Giovanni Visconti (archbishop)

Giovanni Visconti
Lord of Milan and Pavia
Archbishop of Milan
An 18th century anonymous engraving of Giovanni Visconti
Coat of arms Coat of arms of the House of Visconti (1277).svg
Noble family House of Visconti
Father Matteo I Visconti
Mother Bonacossa Borri
Born 1290
Died 1354
Buried 1354
Milan Cathedral
Occupation Cardinal

Giovanni Visconti (1290–1354) was an Italian Roman Catholic cardinal, who was co-ruler in Milan and lord of other Italian cities. He also was a military leader who fought against Florence, and used force to capture and hold other cities.

He was the son of Matteo I Visconti and Bonacossa Borri.

Giovanni Visconti was elected archbishop by the Capitol of Milan in 1317, but Pope John XXII refused to confirm the election and instead raised Aircardus from Comodeia to that position. In 1323 John excommunicated him with an accusation of heresy, and Visconti found an ally in the antipope Nicholas V, who give him the title of cardinal. In 1331 he became bishop and lord of Novara, and in 1339, after Aicardus' death, he triumphantly entered Milan, although Pope Clement VI only issued a bull confirming him in the archbishopric in 1342. Officially, he thus was Archbishop of Milan from 1342 to 1354.

Together with his brother Luchino, Visconti bought from the Pope the title of co-ruler of Milan, for 500,000 florins. After Luchino's death, he associated in the lordship the sons of his other brother, Stefano, who were Matteo II, Bernabò and Galeazzo II.

The year after Luchino Visconti's death in 1349, and with the approval of his relations, Giovanni Visconti assumed full lordship of Milan and began consolidating power in Lombardy and beyond. The same year, 1350, he obtained lordship over Bologna and placed in nephew, Bernabò, in charge of the city in 1351.

Afraid of his growing strength, in 1350 Florence organized a conference in Arezzo with a papal legate and representatives of other cities to form an alliance against Milan. Aware of these moves against him, Giovanni Visconti cultivated affection and alliance with the Ghibellines of Tuscany and Romagna. After the death of Mastino II della Scala of Verona, who had been hostile to the Archbishop, he gained the friendship of Mastino’s son, Cangrande II della Scala.

