German Christian Social People's Party (German: Deutsche Christlich-Soziale Volkspartei, DCVP, Czech: Německá křesťansko sociální strana lidová) was an ethnic German political party in Czechoslovakia, formed as a continuation from the Austrian Christian Social Party. It was founded in November 1919 in Prague. The party had good relations with its Czechoslovak brother party.
In the summer of 1919, a programme for the party was drafted. On September 28, 1919, the programme was approved by a Bohemian party conference in Prague. On November 2, 1919, the program was adopted at a national party conference with delegates from Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia.
The party had an agrarian front, Reichbauernbund (a name retained from the Austrian period), and a trade union centre, Deutsch-Christlichen Gewerbe- und Handwekerbund.
In the 1920 election, the party won ten seats (3.6% of the nationwide vote).
In the 1925 election, DCVP won 13 parliamentary seats (4.3% of the vote). After the election, the party joined the Czechoslovak national government, and DCVP politician Robert Mayr-Harting became Minister of Justice. In 1926 Gottlieb Pruscha succeeded Kirsch as general secretary of the party.
As of 1928, the party had around 38,000 members. Around 22,000 of them lived in Bohemia, 9,000 in Silesia and Northern Moravia and 7,000 in Central and Southern Moravia.