Gerald Coates (born 1944) is the founder of Pioneer, a Christian network of churches and forums, established to "develop new churches across the UK and engage in mission globally." The Pioneer network is a charismatic group of evangelical churches. It is part of the British New Church Movement and can also be described as Restorationist. Coates himself was responsible for coining the term "New Church" to replace the more confusing former name "House Church Movement," of which he was also a founding member. Along with Roger T Forster of Ichthus Christian Fellowship and Lynn Green of Youth with a Mission, he was one of the founders of March for Jesus.
Coates is an author, speaker and a broadcaster, in both secular and religious media. He leads a church in Leatherhead called Engage which was planted in the former Thorndike Theatre but now meets in Church Halls, Church Road, Leatherhead. KT22 8BD. ( founded and ran a series of training courses called Insight, which is, in charismatic idiom, a "school of prophecy." He was the chair of the Charismatic Evangelical Round Table for 16yrs. He was involved with Pioneer's National Churches Forum, and CRAC (the Central Religious Advisory Council).
Gerald has now handed over the leadership of the Pioneer movement to Billy and Caroline Kennedy of New Community, Southampton.
P D Hocken says that Coates is a "dynamic and somewhat flamboyant figure, whose insistence on the gospel of grace has sometimes produced controversy." Karla Poewe notes his reputation for generosity when working with churches of other nations. Sir Cliff Richard says "As a Christian influencer, Gerald has been at the forefront of much of today's radical church activity, I've come to respect his opinions and initiatives, as well as his more personal counsel," Singer, actor, author. RT Kendall says " Gerald Coates is brilliant, controversial, unpredictable, lovable and quotable," Prolific author and former minister of Westminster Chapel. Michael Green says " He is a colourful troubadour in a world of grey men ...committed to Christian unity," Author and speaker. J John says ! Gerald's influence on British Christianity over the last 40yrs has been extraordinary,"