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Conservation status FAO (2007): not listed
Other names
  • Muma
  • Razza di Garessio
Country of origin Italy
Distribution province of Cuneo
Standard MIPAAF
Use triple-purpose, milk, meat and wool
  • Male: 50–55 kg
  • Female: 45–50 kg
  • Male: 60–65 cm
  • Female: 55–60 cm
Skin color pinkish
Wool color straw-white
Face color white
Horn status hornless in both sexes

The Garessina or Muma is a breed of small sheep from the Garessina, the area surrounding Garessio in the province of Cuneo, in Piemonte in north-west Italy. It is raised principally in the valleys of the Tanaro, its affluent the Negrone, and the Casotto; it is not raised commercially, but kept as a family sheep. It has been influenced by Spanish Merino and French Alpine breeds. The wool is of fine quality. The Garessina is one of the forty-two autochthonous local sheep breeds of limited distribution for which a herdbook is kept by the Associazione Nazionale della Pastorizia, the Italian national association of sheep-breeders.

Under the national Piano Sviluppo Regionale or regional development plan for 2000–2006, a subsidy was available for those who kept Garessina sheep; in 2004 it was claimed for 64 head. In 2013 the total number recorded for the breed was 110.

