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Gang Ho-gyeong

Korean name
Hangul 강호경
Hanja 康虎景
Revised Romanization Gang Ho-gyeong
McCune–Reischauer Gang Ho-gyeong

Gang Ho-gyeong is the first and oldest ancestor of Taejo who established Goryeo dynasty. His name can be found in Korean historical literature such as Goryeosa and Pyeonnyeon-Tong-Long (). He is an ancestor of Taejo and 7 generations younger than him. Also, he is the founder of one of the Korean clan, Sincheon-Gangssi ().

Gang Ho-gyeong is the 67th descendant of Gang Hou (康侯:) who is the second child of Gang Shu (康叔) who is from Zingzhao country (), Shaanxi in China.

He was a wanderer in Goguryeo and he called himself as General Seonggol (성골) which mean the person whose parents are from royal family. There is old saying like below. One day, Gang Ho-gyeong went to Mount Pyeon Na (편나) and met the goddess of the mountain. She offered to get married and rule theocracy together with her. However, Gang Ho-gyeong already had a wife and he could not forget about her. He asked about her in his dream and got to know she get pregnant. And his wife gave a birth to Gang Chung.

Gang Chung was a son of Gang Ho-gyeong who was the 67th descendant of Gang Hou. Gang Hou was the second child of Gang Shu who was from Zingzhao country, Shangxi province in China. He had three children named as I-Jegeon, Bo-Seung and Gang Bo Yuk. Gang Bo Yuk married with his niece Gang Deju and their daughter Gang Sin-ui was born. Gang Sin-ui married with Chinese man and King Uijo of Goryeo was born. The father of King Uijo was royal family from Tang dynasty, China. According to Pyeonnyeon-Tong-Long () and Goryeosa jeolyo (), he was Emperor Suzong of Tang. In Pyeonnyeongangmog (변년강목/編年綱目), Emperor Xuānzong of Tang was father of King Uijo. When his father visited Silla, King Uijo of Goryeo was born between his Chinese father and Gang Sin-ui who was a daughter of Gang Bo Yuk. On the way of finding his father to China, King Uijo met Queen Wonchang and get married with her. According to Record of Seongwon (성원녹/聖源録), Queen Wonchang was a daughter of Tou En Dian Jiao Gan from Ping state (), China. Queen Wonchang gave birth of a boy. His name was Wang Ryung and his son was the founder of Goryeo, Taejo of Goryeo.

