Game Theory is a web show run by internet personality Matthew Patrick, known by his internet pseudonym MatPat, on his primary YouTube channel The Game Theorists. The series is based on applying and exploring the math, science, history, and lore to the world of video games.
MatPat stated he drew inspiration for Game Theory from the YouTube series Extra Credits, which discusses aspects and issues of video game development. He uploaded a promotional trailer for Game Theory on April 14, 2011. The first uploaded episode of Game Theory, titled Is Chrono Trigger's Time Travel Accurate?, which talks about the time travel mechanics of the role-playing game Chrono Trigger. The series slowly gained popularity after being featured on several other websites, such as GameTrailers and ScrewAttack, before MatPat decided to solely upload on YouTube.
Early on in the show's history, MatPat was interviewed by Ronnie Edwards, host of his Internet show Random Encounters. After this meeting, Ronnie accepted MatPat's offer to be Game Theory's main editor. Before this, MatPat was the sole editor of the show. The first episode of Game Theory that Ronnie edited was How Much is Minecraft Diamond Armor Worth?
In 2015, MatPat started a spin-off show titled Film Theory on his spin-off channel, The Film Theorists, which explores the math, science, history, and lore to movies and television instead of games.
In April 2017, the channel was amongst many that got hacked by Ourmine.