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Gallimard Jeunesse
Parent company Éditions Gallimard
Country of origin France
Headquarters location Paris
Publication types Books
Fiction genres Children's literature
Official website www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr

Gallimard Jeunesse is a French publisher of children's books. It is a subsidiary of Éditions Gallimard.

It is the publisher of the French version of Animorphs, The English Roses by Madonna, Pokémon chapter books and Harry Potter books. It also publishes The Book of Time trilogy, by Guillaume Prévost (which includes The Book of Time, The Gate of Days and The Circle of Gold).

In the 1980s, they published most of the gamebooks in France, in the collection Folio Junior — Un livre dont vous êtes le héros (a book in which you are the hero, a reference to the caption of the covers of the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks), including Fighting Fantasy, Sorcery!, Lone Wolf, The World of Lone Wolf, Sagas of the Demonspawn, Grailquest, Cretan Chronicles, Horror Classic Gamebooks, Virtual Reality, Double Game, Clash of the Princes, Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks, Blood Sword, Real Life Gamebooks, Fatemaster, Forbidden Gateway, Sherlock Holmes Solo Mysteries, Super Sherlock, and a few original French series. They still publish some Fighting Fantasy and Lone Wolf gamebooks (reissue started in 2012).

