Gaius Vettius Sabinianus Julius Hospes (fl. 2nd century) was a Roman military officer and senator who was appointed consul around AD 175 or 176. He had a long and distinguished military and political career under the reigns of the emperors Antonius Pius, Marcus Aurelius and Commodus.
Originally a member of the Equestrian order, Gaius Vettius Sabinianus may have originated from Roman North Africa. At some point he was adopted by the Vetti Sabini. He began his military career as the Praefectus cohortis of the II Commagenorum unit, following which he was promoted to the rank of Military tribune of the Legio I Italica. At this point Vettius Sabinianus was forced go to Rome to hold the magistracies of the Cursus honorum before the emperor Antonius Pius allowed him to gain further and higher military appointments. In succession he was appointed Quaestor, Plebeian Tribune and Praetor before he was appointed Legatus proconsulis Asiae. Vettius Sabinianus’ next appointment was as special command, functioning as the imperial legate responsible for investigating the status of the Cyclades in relation to its administration by the Roman province of Asia. Sometime during this period, he was adlected into the Senate by the command of the emperor.