Fremont School District 79 is a school district located in Mundelein, Illinois, and it is composed of Fremont Elementary School, Fremont Intermediate School, and Fremont Middle School. Fremont Middle School, the one in which the students of the most seniority attend, 16% feed into Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Illinois. 79% of the kids feed into Mundelein High School in Mundelein, Illinois, and the other 5% of the students either will go to Grayslake Central High School in Grayslake, Illinois or Carmel High School in Mundelein, Illinois . The current superintendent is Dr. Jill Gildea, with the principals of Fremont Elementary School, Fremont Intermediate School, and Fremont Middle School being Stefan Ladenburger (both elementary and intermediate) and Pamela Motsenbocker.
The school district holds 2,206 students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade. The school district serves students in a 34-mile radius from the communities of: Mundelein, Wauconda, Hawthorn Woods, Grayslake, Round Lake, Long Grove, and Libertyville
There are 167 Full and part-time teachers and administrators. Of that number, 128 educators hold a master's degree or higher. Teachers have an average experience of 11 years teaching. Fremont employs 298 teachers and support staff that helps educate students.
AAA bond rating from Standard & Poors. Balanced budgets for 9 consecutive years. The district has earned the highest financial distinction from the State of Illinois with the Financial Recognition Award, which the district has received every year since the state started the program in 2003. The district has earned the Meritorious Budget Award designation through the International Association of School Business Officials. Fremont Middle School received the Illinois State Board of Education Academic Excellence Award. Fremont third graders held the highest math scores with 99 percent meeting or exceeding standards on the ISAT.