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François d'Orcival

François d'Orcival is a French conservative intellectual. He is the editor-in-chief of Valeurs Actuelles and sits on the Board of Directors of the publisher Valmonde.

As a young man, he was a leader in Jeune Nation. In 1960, he was one of the founding members of the Fédération des étudiants nationalistes (FEN). He supported the Organisation armée secrète and was arrested in 1962, when he was jailed for four weeks . He was editor-in-chief of the FEN magazine, Les Cahiers universitaires, and started writing for Le Spectacle du Monde, whose editor was Raymond Bourgine. He also wrote for Défense de l’Occident and Europe Action, edited by Dominique Venner and Alain de Benoist. He later joined the Groupement de recherche et d'études pour la civilisation européenne, but left it in 1976. In 1977-1978, he wrote for Le Figaro, then edited by Louis Pauwels. He later became the editor-in-chief of Valeurs Actuelles.

In 2004, he was elected President of the Fédération Nationale de la Presse Française (FNPF). On June 23, 2008, he was inducted into the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, following the death of Henri Amouroux. He is a socially conservative Catholic.

