Five Chariots (五車, pinyin: Wǔ Ju) is a constellation in Chinese astronomy.
A five-star Chinese constellation equivalent to Auriga minus δ Aur (Delta Aurigae). Also known in Japanese as Gosha (Five Chariots; 五車).
The Five Chariots otherwise known as Auriga is a constellation that borders Taurus. The constellation is named as such due to the five main stars, representing the five celestial emperors. The constellation appears within the region of the sky dominated by the White Tiger of the West. Within the region of the White Tiger of the West there are seven mansions, the Five Chariots resides under the net mansion. There are also several other things that are depicted within this constellation. There are also three poles that were used to tether the horses, which can be seen when looking at three individual triangles of stars. The most prominent of the three, consisting of Epsilon, Zeta, and Eta Aurigae, whereas the other two consist of Tau, Nu, and Upsilon Aurigae, and Chi, 26 Aurigae, and an Unknown star. There are also two ponds that can be seen within the constellation. One of these ponds, Xianchi, was where the sun would bathe at the end of every day. The second pond, Tianhuang, is also sometimes seen as a bridge or pier, rather than a pond. Some of the rest of the stars, those between the Milky Way and Lynx, represent flags that mark the seats for the emperors and their dignitaries. This constellation helped farmers know when to harvest the cereal that was being grown during this time period. Within the Five Chariots there is also represented eight different kinds of crops, which mostly resides over Camelopardalis.
The Five Celestial Emperors (Wu Ti) represent the five elements. Four of them represent the four seasons, but the fifth represents the center, otherwise known as the circumpolar region. The Eastern Emperor, T'ai Hao, represents wood. The Northern Emperor represents fire, and the Southern Emperor represents water. The one in the middle known as Shao Hao is associated with earth. Finally the Western Emperor, Huang Ti, represents the element metal. They can be recognized by the v-necked coats they wear, this is the case with most major divinities, as well as the regions they occupy. These emperors were in control of life and death, and as such people regularly made sacrifices, or gave offerings, to them. The Celestial Emperors are often depicted in mirrors. They also appear often in the sarcophagi of people that were important during this time period as they played a major role in funerals. This is due to the fact that the emperors are constantly controlling life and death.