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First American Regiment

The First American Regiment was the first peacetime regular army force authorized by United States Congress after the American Revolutionary War. It served primarily on the early Western frontier of the United States.

After the conclusion of the American Revolution in 1783, Congress ordered the Continental Army to disband, and General George Washington resigned his commission as commander-in-chief. While the bulk of the Continental Army was disbanded by the end of 1783, Jackson's Continental Regiment, commanded by Colonel Henry Jackson and a company of artillery under Brevet Major John Doughty, and on June 2, 1784, Congress reissued the disbandment order, under the principle that "standing armies in time of peace are inconsistent with the principles of republican government, dangerous to the liberties of a free people, and generally converted into destructive engines for establishing despotism." Jackson's regiment was disbanded later that month and Doughty's Battery was retained at West Point guarding artillery and ammunition.

On June 3, 1784, Congress passed a new resolution:

Resolved, That the Secretary at War take order for forming the said troops when assembled, into one regiment, to consist of eight companies of infantry, and two of artillery, arming and equipping them in a soldier-like manner: and that he be authorised to direct their destination and operations, subject to the order of Congress, and of the Committee of the states in the recess of Congress.

Thomas Mifflin, the president of Congress, named his former aide, Josiah Harmar, to be the commander of the new regiment, with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Harmar was commissioned as the regiment's "lieutenant colonel commandant" on August 12, 1784. The new regiment was used primarily to man frontier outposts and guard against Native American attacks. An artillery company of the new regiment was Captain John Doughty's Company of the 2d Continental Artillery Regiment which had been attached to the 1st American Regiment (1783-1784).

