Fires in Edo (江戸?), the former name of Tokyo, during the Edo period (1600−1868) of Japan were so frequent that the city of Edo was characterized as the saying "Fires and quarrels are the flowers of Edo" goes. Even in the modern days, the old Edo was still remembered as the "City of Fires" (「火災都市」?).
Edo was something of a rarity in the world, as vast urban areas of the city were repeatedly leveled by fire. The great fires of Edo were compared to the Chinese gods of fire Shukuyū (祝融?) and Kairoku (回禄?), and also humorously described as "autumn leaves".
During the 267 years between 1601 (Keichō 6), the year after the Battle of Sekigahara (関ヶ原の戦い?), and 1867 (Keiō 3), the year of Taisei Hōkan (大政奉還?, literally "return of sovereignty"), Edo was struck by 49 great fires. In comparison, during the same period, great fires in Kyoto, Osaka and Kanazawa totaled only nine, six, and three, respectively, which made Edo's figure stand out from the other metropolises in Japan.