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Felix Abt

Felix Abt (born 15 January 1955, Switzerland) is a business affairs specialist on North Korea and Vietnam.

Abt was one of the first foreign entrepreneurs to seek to do business in contemporary North Korea, where he lived between 2002–09, and developing and operating businesses. He co-founded and directed the Pyongyang Business School, where he was involved in capacity building related to business administration for senior executives of North Korean government agencies and enterprises. Abt has been featured and interviewed by numerous media, including CNN, FOX News,ABC,BBC,Le Monde,Handelsblatt,Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,AFP,Businessweek,The Financial Times and Bloomberg.com, and has been giving advice to business associations.

Abt published a memoir A Capitalist in North Korea: My Seven Years in the Hermit Kingdom in 2014.

Before he rejoined the ABB Group in 2002 and moved to North Korea, Felix Abt had been working from 1990 for companies in countries and regions such as Vietnam, the Middle East and Africa.

In 2002, Abt was appointed resident Group Representative in North Korea by the Swiss-Swedish ABB Group, an electrical power and automation technologies company. On 19 May 2003, he signed a memorandum of understanding on the implementation of a large high-tension power grid project by ABB with North Korea's Ministry of Power and Coal Industries, in presence of the Swiss foreign minister, the Swedish ambassador to the DPRK, and the Minister of Power and Coal Industries, "in an effort to solve North Korea's serious problems in the power sector, highlighted by its worn-out generation and transmission facilities".

