Extreme Dreams is a reality TV programme made by the independent British production company Ricochet (creators of Supernanny, Living in the Sun and other series) and hosted by Ben Fogle. The premise behind the show is that deserving individuals are taken to unfamiliar and extreme environments and given the opportunity to participate in an adventure beyond their wildest dreams.
Participants are typically seeking a life-changing experience: a boost to improve their health, build their confidence, mend relationships or overcome past difficulties. For each programme four different teams are selected by a small panel comprising adventurers and a psychologist as well as Ben Fogle himself. Each team then travels with Ben to a different region of the world to undertake a challenging trek.
Extreme Dreams aired on BBC2 at 6.30pm from 18 September 2006.
Teams were chosen to travel to:
The Guyana trip was organised for Ricochet by Trekforce, an expedition company that was able to assist with planning, logistics and safety before and during the trek. The brief was for "a jungle destination that was remote, rarely visited and difficult to get to" but allowed the camera crews and production team to go about their everyday duties and did not compromise on safety issues.
Series Two aired on BBC2 at 6.30pm from 14 January 2008. The teams of five participants for the second series were chosen by Ben Fogle in February 2007 in Wales, with input from explorer Benedict Allen, wildlife presenter Charlotte Uhlenbroek and psychologist Dr Cynthia McVey. The teams travelled to, respectively:
Subsequently one member of each team was chosen to join Ben in pursuit of his own extreme dream, an ascent of Mount Roraima in Venezuela, location of Arthur Conan Doyle's adventure novel The Lost World which Ben cites as a childhood favourite. All four participants made it to the summit with Ben.
Fogle and his teams completed these expeditions in 2008, and Series Three aired on BBC2 at 6.30pm from 12 January 2009.