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Export Control Classification Number

An Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) is an alphanumeric code assigned to articles, technology and software (collectively, "items") by the US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security. The classification list is a slightly modified version of the list maintained by the Wassenaar Arrangement, an international regime in which member countries agree to implement export controls for "dual use" items. Dual use items are items that have potential civilian uses, as well as WMD or conventional weapons related end uses. ECCN classification is determined by referring to a table that is issued by the Bureau of Industry and Security. Since the lists are based on an international standard, the European Union regulates items using the numbering system that is very similar, and is defined in Council Regulation (EC) 388/2012. However, there are minor differences in the numbering, and the term "ECCN" is specific to the US system.

The ECCN table contains hundreds of ECCN codes that are organized according to the technical parameters and/or end use of the hardware, software or technology that is being exported.

In the U.S., the Bureau of Industry and Security, a component of the United States Department of Commerce allows private industry to self-classify exported items with the exception of certain items containing encryption functionality. In the case of encryption hardware/software, the U.S. company would need to request a product classification ruling from the Bureau of Industry and Security. Although many different U.S. and foreign entities may be involved in manufacturing and distributing an item, ultimately it is the exporter or U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) that is held responsible for the correct classification of any export and is required to ensure that all applicable export control requirements are met prior to making the export. In the event an ECCN cannot be determined by the USPPI, technical information about the article can be submitted to the Bureau of Industry and Security and the ECCN will be determined and a ruling made.

