Flavius Eutolmius Tatianus (Greek: Φλάβιος Εὐτόλμιος Τατιανὸς, Flavios Eutolmios Tatianos; fl. 357–392) was a politician of the Late Roman Empire.
The family of Eutolmii originated in Syria; Tatian was born in Sidyma, son of Antonius Tatianus, praeses (governor) of Caria from 360 to 364 circa. He had a son, Proculus, who followed his footsteps choosing a political career.
Tatianus began his career during the governorship of his father. Around 357 he was a lawyer, then he was assessor (legal counsel) of a governor, a vicarius, a proconsul and two prefects. In the 360s he was praeses Thebaidos (governor of the Thebaid); between 367 and 370 he was praefectus augustalis in Egypt; from 370 to 374 he administered of Diocese of the East as comes Orientis and from 374-380 he held the office of comes sacrarum largitionum in the imperial financial administration. After working for a year under Theodosius I, Tatianus left his place to retire for the next eight years in Lycia; it is not clear whether it was due to the pressure of imperial favourites, brought by the new Emperor from the West.
On 16 June 388, shortly before his departure for the campaign against the usurper Magnus Maximus, Theodosius I appointed Tatianus Praetorian prefect of the East, making him succeed Maternus Cynegius, a Spaniard as Theodosius was, who had died recently; after having sent the insignia of power to Tatianus in Lycia, the Emperor appointed Proculus praefectus urbi of Constantinople.