Eugenio Mendoza Goiticoa (Caracas, November 13, 1906, Caracas, October 17, 1979) was a Venezuelan business tycoon who made important contributions in the modernization of the country during the 20th Century.
He was the son of Eugenio Mendoza Cobeña (the grandson of Venezuela's first president, Cristóbal Mendoza) and Luisa Goiticoa (the great-granddaughter of Simón Bolívar's sister, Juana Bolívar). Despite his family's historical position he grew up in modest circumstances due to the monetary sacrifices made by his family during the war for Venezuelan independence and later the Venezuelan civil war.
Along with his brothers, Pedro and Eduardo Mendoza Goiticoa, he was a descendant of Simón Bolívar's sister, Juana Bolívar (Simón Bolívar had no children).
Eugenio married Luisa Rodriguez Planas in 1938, and had four children with her: Eugenio Andres, Gertrudis, Luisa Elena and Eugenio Antonio. One son, Eugenio Andres, drowned as a youngster.
Eugenio Mendoza was the fourth son of seven children, he had four brothers and two sisters and was the only one who did not pursue a university education, choosing instead to go into business by starting his first company at the age of eighteen. In partnership with Moises Miranda he founded “Moisés Miranda & Cía” a firm to sell construction materials. By January 1932, he purchased Miranda’s shares, becoming the sole owner of the company today known as “Materiales Mendoza” ”. During the following years, he founded "Maquinarias Mendoza" a heavy equipment company.
He held negotiations with Vice President of the United States Henry A. Wallace, the U.S State Department and Nelson Rockefeller to commercialize construction materials to Venezuela. By that time, all construction supplies were destined to World War II.
By 1943, he had created "Venezolana de Cementos" which became largest supplier of cement in the country. Vencemos had plants in Barquisimeto, Maracaibo, Pertigalete, Macuro and Catia La Mar. Also, in the following years he conformed "Protinal", dedicated to the production of animal feed which later became the pioneer in the development of poultry as a low cost substitute for protein; "Venezolana de Pinturas" and "Venezolana de Pulpa y Papel".