Espada Formation Stratigraphic range: Late Jurassic, Cretaceous |
Beds of the Espada Formation in the western Santa Ynez Mountains.
Type | Sedimentary |
Underlies | Jalama Formation, Sierra Blanca Limestone, others |
Overlies | Honda Formation, Franciscan Formation |
Thickness | Up to 16,000 feet (5300 meters) |
Lithology | |
Primary | Shale, sandstone |
Location | |
Region | Coastal and interior southern California |
Country | United States |
Type section | |
Named by | Thomas Dibblee (1950) |
The Espada Formation is a sedimentary rock formation widespread in Santa Barbara County, California. Of late Jurassic to Cretaceous age, the unit consists primarily of shale with some interbedded thin layers of sandstone, conglomerate, and limestone.
The type locality of the Espada Formation is in Hondo Canyon, near Point Arguello, as first described by Thomas Dibblee in his 1950 book on the geology of southwestern Santa Barbara County. While the unit is 1200 meters (4,000 feet) thick at the type locality, it is much thicker elsewhere; along the southern slope of the San Rafael Mountains it is exposed from its base to its top, where it is probably in conformable contact with the Jalama Formation, and the total thickness is around 5300 meters (16,000 feet) – 5 kilometers (three miles) of uninterrupted sedimentary deposition that took place over 50 million years.
The formation throughout its geographic range consists of layer upon layer of well-bedded argillaceous silty to sandy shales, with smaller interbeds of arkosic sandstone. The shales are generally brown with a greenish tinge in fresh, unweathered exposures; upon weathering they develop a variety of colors. A few beds of pebble conglomerates and limestone, dark gray and not pure, are also found, but the shales are predominant throughout, accounting for around 90 percent of the entire unit. In general, the sandstone layers become more common towards the top of the stratigraphic column, and the largest conglomerate bed is in the highest part of the Espada, exposed north of the Santa Ynez River near its junction with Mono Canyon. The sandstones are composed of grains which are similar mineralogically to the underlying Franciscan Formation.
The Espada Formation represents a long period of geologic history – tens of millions of years – in which sediments were deposited in warm, quiet water in a basin that was gradually subsiding. The water was usually shallow, as indicated by the frequent sandstone beds (coarse sediment such as sand is deposited nearer shore unless carried far offshore by submarine landslides and other subsea mass movements). The Espada resembles some strata of the underlying Franciscan Formation, even though the two units may have been deposited at great distances from each other, and brought together by tectonic forces along the boundaries of the Pacific and North American Plates.