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Eras mapped into Eons
Eras in the Phanerozoic Eon
Geologic Era Span of Years Notes:
present — 065.5 (+/- 0.3) Mya
many GSSP points
065.5 (+/- 0.3) Mya — 251.0 (+/- 0.4) Mya
many GSSP points
251.0 (+/- 0.4) Mya — 542.0 (+/- 1.0) Mya
mostly GSSP points
Eras in the Proterozoic Eon
542.0 (+/- 1.0) Mya — 2500 Mya
542.0 (+/- 1.0) Mya — 1000 Mya
few GSSP points
1000 Mya — 1600 Mya
all GSSA points
1600 Mya — 2500 Mya
all GSSA points
Eras in the Archean Eon
2500 Mya — years > 3600 Mya
rocks older than 2.5 Billion years — rocks older than 3.6 Billion years
2500 Mya — 2800 Mya
(only GSSA points)
2800 Mya — 3200 Mya
3200 Mya — 3600 Mya
3600 Mya — 4000 Mya
Earth's crust solidifies
ca 3800 Mya
Note: Rocks older than ca. 2500 Mya old are rare due to tectonic activity recycling the earths crust.

In stratigraphy, paleontology, geology, and geobiology an erathem is the total stratigraphic unit deposited during a certain corresponding span of time during an era in the geologic timescale.

It can therefore be used as a chronostratigraphic unit of time which delineates a large span of years — less than a geological eon, but greater than its successively smaller and more refined subdivisions (geologic periods, epochs, and geologic ages). By 3,500 million years ago (mya) simple life had developed on earth (the oldest known microbial fossils in Australia are dated to this figure). The atmosphere was a mix of noxious and poisonous gases (Methane, Ammonia, Sulphur compounds, etc.— a so-called reducing atmosphere lacking much free oxygen which was bound up in compounds).

These simple organisms, Cyanobacteria ruled the still cooling earth for approximately a thousand million (over a billion) years and gradually transformed the atmosphere to one containing free oxygen. These changes, along with tectonic activity left chemical trails (red bed formation, etc.) and other physical clues (magnetic orientation, layer formation factors) in the rock record, and it is these changes along with the later richer fossil record which specialists use to demarcate times early in planet earth's history in various disciplines.

