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Ephraim of Pereyaslavl

Saint Ephraim II of Pereyaslav, (Russian: Ефрем Переяславский) also Saint Ephraim of the Caves (Russian: Ефрем Печерский) or Saint Ephraim, Bishop of Pereslav - Eastern Orthodox saint, bishop of Pereyaslav (now Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine).

Before his tonsure into monasticism, was treasurer and steward of household affairs (1054–1068) at the court of the Iziaslav Yaroslavich the Grand Prince of Kiev. Weighed down by this noisy and bustling life and wishing to become a monk, he was accepted by Saint Anthony of Kiev and was tonsured (March 23) by Saint Nikon the Chronicler, then the Hegumen of the Kiev Monastery of the Caves.

The enraged Iziaslav demanded that Ephraim return, threatening to lock him up in prison and to destroy the Kiev Monastery of the Caves (the Pechersk Lavra). St Anthony and the brethren left the monastery and decided to go to another place. Iziaslav, however, feared the wrath of God. He took his wife's advice and withdrew his forces from the monastery in disgrace.

Ephraim wished to go on pilgrimage to the holy places abroad. With the blessing of St Anthony, he journeyed to Constantinople and settled there in one of the monasteries. While in Constantinople, Ephraim made a copy of the Studite monastic rule, and took it to Kiev at the request of Theodosius of Kiev. As soon as he received the Rule, Theodosius implemented it in his monastery (the Pechersk Lavra).

