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Energia (Энергия)
Function Human-rated multi-purpose super heavy-lift launch vehicle
Manufacturer NPO "Energia"
Country of origin Soviet Union
Mass 2,400,000 kg (5,300,000 lb)
Stages 2
Payload to LEO 100,000 kg (220,000 lb)(Required upper stage or payload to perform final orbital insertion)
Payload to GSO 20,000 kg (44,000 lb) (proposed; never flown)
Launch history
Status Retired
Launch sites Baikonur
Total launches 2
Successes 2
Failures 0
First flight 15 May 1987
Last flight 15 November 1988
Boosters - Zenit
No. boosters 4
Engines 1 RD-170 (4 nozzles)
Thrust 29,000 kN (6,500,000 lbf) sea level
32,000 kN (7,200,000 lbf) vacuum
Specific impulse 309 s at sea level
338 s in vacuum
Fuel RP-1/LOX
Core stage
Engines 4 RD-0120
Thrust 5,800 kN (1,300,000 lbf) sea level
7,500 kN (1,700,000 lbf) vacuum
Specific impulse 359 s at sea level
454 s in vacuum
Burn time 480-500 s
Fuel LH2/LOX

Energia (Russian: Энергия, Energiya, "Energy") was a Soviet rocket that was designed by NPO Energia to serve as a heavy-lift expendable launch system as well as a booster for the Buran spacecraft. Control system main developer enterprise was the NPO "Electropribor". The Energia used four strap-on boosters each powered by a four-chamber RD-170 engine burning kerosene/LOX, and a central core stage with 4 one-chamber RD-0120 (11D122) engines fueled by liquid hydrogen/LOX.

The launch system had two functionally different operational variants: Energia-Polyus, the initial test configuration, in which the Polyus system was used as a final stage to put the payload into orbit, and Energia-Buran, in which the Buran spacecraft was the payload and the source of the orbit insertion impulse.

The rocket had the capacity to place about 100 tonnes in Low Earth orbit, up to 20 tonnes to geostationary orbit and up to 32 tonnes to a translunar trajectory.

Work on the Energia/Buran system began in 1976 after the decision was made to cancel the unsuccessful N1 (rocket). The cancelled N1 rocket-based Manned Lunar Launch Facilities and Infrastructure were used for Energia (notably the huge horizontal assembly building), just as NASA reused infrastructure designed for the Saturn V in the Space Shuttle program. Energia also replaced the "Vulkan" concept, which was a design based on the Proton (rocket family) and using the same hypergolic propellants, but much larger and more powerful. The "Vulkan" designation was later given to a variation of the Energia which has eight boosters and multiple stages.

