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Emanuela Orlandi

Emanuela Orlandi
Born (1968-01-14)14 January 1968
Vatican City State
Disappeared 22 June 1983 (aged 15)
Rome, Italy
Status Missing for 34 years and 2 days
Nationality Italian
Height 160 cm (5.2 ft)
  • Ercole Orlandi (father)
  • Maria Orlandi (mother)

Emanuela Orlandi (born 14 January 1968) was a citizen of Vatican City who mysteriously disappeared on 22 June 1983. Sightings of Emanuela in various places have been reported over the years, even inside Vatican City, but all have been unreliable. The Orlandi case is still unsolved.

Orlandi was in her second year at a liceo scientifico (a scientific high school) in Rome. Although the school year had concluded, she continued to take flute lessons three times per week at the Tommaso Ludovico Da Victoria School, connected with the Pontificium Institutum Musicæ Sacræ (The Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music). She was also part of the choir of Saint Anne's Church. Orlandi, the daughter of a Vatican bank employee who lived with her family inside Vatican City, was the fourth of Ercole and Maria Orlandi's five children.

Emanuela usually travelled by bus to the music school. She would get off the bus after a few stops and then walk six or seven hundred feet (180 to 210 meters). On 22 June 1983, Emanuela was late to class. She later explained her tardiness in a phone call to her sister, during which she said she had a job offer from a representative of Avon Cosmetics. Her sister suggested she talk it over with their parents before making any decisions. Emanuela allegedly met with the Avon rep shortly before her music lesson. At the end of the lesson, Emanuela spoke of the job offer with a girlfriend, who then left the girl at a bus stop in the company of another girl. Emanuela was allegedly last seen getting into a large, dark-colored BMW.

At 15:00, Thursday, 23 June, her parents called the director of the music school to ask if any of their daughter's classmates had information. The police had suggested waiting because "perhaps the girl was with friends". That same day Emanuela was officially declared a "missing person". Over the next two days, announcements of the disappearance were published with the telephone number of the Orlandi house in the newspapers Il Tempo, Paese Sera and Il Messaggero.

At 18:00 on Saturday, 25 June, a phone call was received from a youth who claimed to be a 16-year-old boy named "Pierluigi". He reported that together with his fiancée, he had met the missing girl in Piazza Navona that afternoon. The young man mentioned Emanuela's flute, her hair, and the glasses that the girl did not like to wear, along with other details that fit the missing girl. According to "Pierluigi", Emanuela had just had a haircut and had introduced herself as "Barbarella". He claimed she stated that she had just run away from home and was selling Avon products.

