The Ellen G. White Estate, Incorporated, or simply the (Ellen) White Estate, is an organization created in 1933 by the five trustees named in Ellen G. White's last will and testament to act as the custodian of her writings, which Seventh-day Adventists consider as divinely inspired. The headquarters is located at the General Conference in Silver Spring, Maryland, where it functions as a quasi-independent department of the denomination. It has an independent and self-perpetuating board, but the organization receives an annual allocation just like other departments of the world headquarters. The White Estate has branch offices and research centers at Adventist universities and colleges around the world with at least one center in each division of the world church.
The mission of the White Estate is to circulate Ellen White's writings, translate them, and provide resources for helping to better understand her life and ministry. At the Toronto General Conference Session in 2000, the world church expanded the mission of the organization to include a responsibility for promoting Adventist history for the entire denomination. After a century since Ellen G. White's death in 1915 the White Estate will publicly release all of her unpublished writings online.
Other duties include handling her properties, "conducting the business thereof," "securing the printing of new translations," and the "printing of compilations from my manuscripts." Her will, dated February 9, 1912, named five church administrators to serve as a board of trustees:Arthur G. Daniells, William C. White, Clarence C. Crisler, Charles H. Jones, and Francis M. Wilcox. Appointment of the trustees was for life, Ellen White providing that “if a vacancy shall occur for any reason among said trustees, or their successors, a majority of the surviving or remaining trustees are hereby empowered and directed to fill such vacancy by the appointment of some other fit person”; or if this provision were to fail, the General Conference Executive Committee should appoint someone to fill such a vacancy. The will dedicated the major portion of the existing and potential royalty incomes from her books to the work of the trustees.